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What's Mom Still Got To Do With It? Guest Speaker and Wellness Expert at Red Mountain Resort

  • Red Mountain Resort 1275 Red Mountain Circle Ivins, UT, 84738 United States (map)


Lunch with Ilana Tolpin Levitt

Join Ilana for lunch at the community table and chat about her upcoming presentations.

The Warrior Within

Ready to reach the next level of your career? Women in the workplace often feel held back or like an impostor at their job. Many of us have lacked role models growing up, and often don’t currently have a mentor to look to for support. But there is a warrior woman in all of us. We will explore new ways to fully embody our strengths, and find the tools and resources needed to move forward in our careers.


Parenting for Career Success

Parents consciously desire the best for their children but because of unconscious patterns, they may have trouble discerning what that is. Sometimes, we may also unwittingly want them to fulfill our unfulfilled dreams. Dynamics between parents and children can become complicated as we assert our opinions and our growing children try to assert their independence. Find the balance between offering direction and micromanaging and learn essential tips to set your children on the right path.


Mother’s Journey, Daughter’s Destiny

How much of a daughter's life design is imprinted by her mother's own narrative? Education, choice of partners, and opportunities all seem connected to our histories. Learn why the mother-daughter relationship is more powerful and adhesive than any other in the family, and explore the conscious and unconscious connections within our stories. Begin to unpack your mother's story in order to bring clarity to your own. This workshop is for adult daughters (and mothers are welcome).