Ilana Tolpin Levitt: Keynote Speaker and Workshop Coordinator
IT’S STORYTIME! Everyone has a STORY.. Which one are you going to tell?
Focusing on what you do best and why you do it is the foundation of career and professional development. Everyone has amazing strengths as well as a journey that brought them to their current place. The road often has bumps, twists, and turns and is not a straight path. The stories we tell ourselves as well as the ones we share with others have a significant impact on outcomes. Understanding our weaknesses as the flip side of our strengths is key to success. This talk will help participants learn how to present their best selves while being authentic and transparent. Gain practical tips and relevant solutions to story tell with confidence for any interview or job talk.
Workshop Proposal
Demystifying Networking: Effective professional development and job search strategies for every personality!
Description: Do you hate to make small talk? Does the very word ‘networking’ make you cringe? This session is for you! Everyone benefits from being connected, even computer systems are linked together to facilitate communication and resource sharing amongst users. In this workshop, learn effective strategies for networking in every setting- including knowing what to say, when to say it and defining successful interactions without compromising your style. This interactive session will prepare you for the end of the conference dinner and networking session!